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May 1
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  May 1, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by vice chairman, Tom Daly. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, and Ann Neuburg. Some discussion ensued regarding procedure, as Jerry G. stated he was no longer a PB member since the election on April 30. At the election, Richard Bisk received over 70 write-in votes, but he is out of town so was not present.  

Election of officers began and John M. nominated Tom D. for chairman, Ann N. seconded the motion and the four voted all in favor. John M. then nominated Jon F. for vice chair and board approved all in favor. Tom D. nominated Ann N. as clerk—essentially to take minutes in absence of staff—and the board voted all in favor.

-- The board agreed to hold off until the next meeting to approve minutes of April 17, 2013.

7:37 PM  The board considered the public meeting for the Worcester Road Village project which was held at the April 3 PB meeting and discussed an outline for the 2nd meeting on May 15. Jon Fudeman recused himself from the board--as a resident of that neighborhood.  
John M. distributed a handout titled “Concept – Possibilities and Consequences” which detailed the pros and cons of possible actions the board could take in the Worcester Road Business District. It divided the zone into two areas: south of P.O. Place and north of P.O. Place, and considered the consequences of:  no change in zoning, rezone to Residential; or, mixed use through an overlay district—plus the north segment added “Expand business zone.”  Also, members discussed the possibility of rezoning on east or west sides of Worcester road. For the public meeting, a large zoning map of the area will be displayed on the projection screen which was set up and had several maps from the Kolias report and the town’s zoning/open space map, which the board observed. They decided not to post the “Consequences” document with the meeting notice on the website, but agreed to send a postcard to invite neighbors—the same as the 1st meeting. In a similar vein, they decided not to pre-configure zoning changes on a map, and just use the current zoning map at the meeting…. without trying to squeeze in more information, such as house numbers, as the lot lines were clear and there were enough references for residents to identify the topography.
        Members discussed the potential uses of an overlay zone, and whether it could supersede the underlying dimensional zoning [which may be non-conforming]. John M. offered to research this issue.

8:20 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  

“Concept – Possibilities and Consequences” handout;  town map; Kolias files on CD

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department